Friday, November 17, 2006

Part 3... At last!

Constipatio and Jack awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking, as they wiped the sleep from their eyes, a knock sounded on the door of the room. the wizards voice came through announcing breakfast. While they ate he said, "I apologize for frightening you last night, I kept my name secret for the simple reason that I did not want anybody or anything to hear it. But now I have deemed it safe to give you my name, my name is Ulvario."

When they had finished eating Jack said, "what is going on?" "a good question", said Ulvario "The answer is a little more complicated, The simplified answer is, many years ago a powerful elven wizard from the west turned bad (or so we believe), he gathered many dark creatures to himself and attempted as all agents of darkness do, to destroy the elves, gnomes, dwarves , and men. But he was defeated and he fled to the north, beyond the seas of ice into the great northern reaches of our world where he passed out of all knowledge. Now, about 100 years ago the elven lands were beset by a great evil an unknown being drives them our land has been at war with them ever since, now as we fought this war we began to realize that the other lands were also in peril and before long the evil would attempt to destroy them too. I and a few others were sent by the head of our order to monitor the enemys movements, we were to do whatever it took to stop him. Just days before we set out on our mission one of the elven scholars discoverd an ancient prophecy that stated in one of the lands we were setting out for the son of the gnome king would be found, I was the one who would find him." " You are that one." on hearing this Jack absentmindedly shoved his fork up his nose, Constipatio on the other hand just stared at Ulvario in disbelief. Then Jack said, "that doesn't make any sense, I thought gnomes gave better names to their children than "Constipatio" besides whats your proof?". Ulvario said, "a wise question which I can and will answer, For one thing his name is not Constipatio as those cheese obsessed villagers say, secondly this island is not even called stinking bishop. Upon hearing this Constipatio said "Why don't I remember my parents?".

Ulvario said, "The reason is more than one sentence long, it goes back about 30 years when you where just a baby. Your mother was an elf and your father was a gnome. Your grand-father died and your father inherited the throne of the gnome king. But evil was near, shortly after you were born the dark lord I have told you about. He sent his servants against the gnomes, we believed it to be a full front war. But it was a trap, your father sent your mother away to safety with the other refugees. But on the journey the dark lord sent his servants and they ambushed the refugees on their journey. many died some fled into the wild, never to be seen again. But you vanished, some thought you died like your mother, some think you were captured. Until now no one knew you lived. That is a secret we must keep."

After a few minutes of silence Jack broke it and said "So... were are we going?", Ulvario came out of his thoughtful silence and said, "My task has just begun now that I have found you I must bring you to the gnomes fortress. I will then take you to your father and from their on I know not what we must do."


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very very interesting! I'm begging to see where this is going. But, i forgot the dogs name (or was the dog the wizard). And i forgot everything that happened in the past parts of the story because its been soooooooooooo long since you last posted. What you should do is make a recap of the past parts and let everyone be refreshed before going on to the next part. other than that it was very interesting, even though i was expecting something like that because of the gnomish and elvish thing, (cough) RuneScape (cough).
But hey its alright. I know your thinking "well this is just a fun story not a book im writing, that has to be edited!" but hey this plotline and storyline could become something big! ok maybe not but hey you never know what the reader wants entirely. I know your also thinking "this guy is crazy!!!" but i'm just trying to improve the public reading. I also know that your thinking "This guy goes on forever and ever and ever!" but hey as i said before, im just trying to improve the public reading. Well thats about it.

Seriously, Eulilia

P.S. Yay first post!!!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Micah said...

That was not enspired by rs at all it came entirley ( I bet I spelled it wrong) from up here *points at his brilliant mind*, I was also thinking. Maybe since you are so set on "Improving the Public Reading" then hey why dont you write a book? that would be coooooool , right?? *hint* I'm telling you , your case sounds genuine, if you "helped" the public reading why, hey! you could write books on how to write books, books about writing books on how to write books, not too mention books on, math, mystery, grammer, nerdliness, proggraming and self esteem. The posibilitys are ENDLESS!! So where will you start?...

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Micah said...

I would like to address all you critics and critical people.

I'm most happy too recieve your opinion, but I would also like to inform you that this is the roughist of drafts that you are reading and if ever published your opinion will help to form a more refined story.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Micah said...

I'm glad you noticed I'm thinking to.

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wwwweeeellll, excuse me mister "I-don't-want-anyone-to-post-on-my-blog-because-that-would-mean-they-are-being-critcial" pants! I was just saying that maybe you would like to improve your stories but nooooooooooooo you think your perfect and you don't want anyone to tell you anything else other than what your, so called "brilliant", mind has created! *gasps for breath after saying all of the above in one breath* I was just thinking maybe you could either post a little sooner or maybe just maybe put something to remind the reader of what has happenned before hand!
And i know your denying the whole RuneScape thing but I believe, and i believe deep down in your heart, that RuneScape has been melded into your brain in some demonic way that has altered your thinking entirely (correct way to spell it) so that your thought of writing has been switched to elves and gnomes and all that rubbish.
Oh and about my own book? well i'm already writing too much on this story that it is almost unthinkable to write my own. Plus it would be somewhat of a take off on RuneScape or a quest in RuneScape, because that is almost all i can think about and it has very interesting plotlines that i can't but help take from that! Oh and also, i'm critisizing yours for future reference as well. you may not have gotten that in my last post, but i was trying not to be offensive. i am in no way trying to demolish your writing or put you below me in any way. critics are in no way bad but good! they may seem out there to hurt you but they are there too help you to not make future mistakes and to maybe add things that would make things enjoyable for others.

Well i think thats about it.
Seriousl, Corey

PS sorry for my spelling mistakes and misunderstandings.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Micah said...

ahh, my dear friend I se you don't understand. You say I'm affected by runescape, but no *looks deeply insulted* it IS a fact that I am somewhat influenced by one of the Greats... Tolkien himself. Know the fact is I have done some reaserch into the history of middle earth and have discoverd... runescape is DEEPLY influenced by Tolkien. Know your saying, "all I can see is mithril armour, thats not huge" but my lad, ye be wrong. As a fact Tolkien made up adamentite, it is for a fact a strong metal that the valar, and elves found. Now there are many other small connections to be made, but we will ignore those (to long a list). because I hope I've made my point! I am influenced by Tolkien who also influenced runescape, so clearly it LOOKS like I'm influenced by runescape. But I'm influenced by a genius writer instead. In other news the next part is almost finished!

Adios, Micah

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Micah said...

...Or is it possible you think the name Ulvario is influenced by runescape? well I made up the name so I should be intiteld too use it where I will. Now I'm completely open to critics, but I would rather hear from a critic that didn't like something in my story and had a "good" alternative I could use, after all this is a rough draft and I would love input.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean tolkein made up adamantite?!?!?!?!? i agree that you have no life whatsoever, but seriously! adamantite is real! no really look it up! it is real! REAL!!! in fact the definition says "An impenitrably hard substance, formerly sometimes identified witha diamond"
2. "Any impenitrably or unyieldingly hard substance."
3."inpenetrably or unyieldingly hard; adamentine."
So as you can see tolkein did not in anyway make it up! (nooblet) and i was not talking in anyway about the name. the name can stay. Ahem no i do not believe this rubbish about runescape being DEEPLY influenced by tolkein! that is rubbish!!! i mean seriously, even if it were influenced by him (even though it isn't)it would still be a million times better than LOTR! Now you speak of mithril? well at first i thought that exactly but after doing research i have found that mithril is actually a metal! isn't that amazing! i have just proved you wrong in saying that runescape is strongly influenced by tolkein.
two points i would like to leave you with:
1. tolkein did not "make up" any of these metals and that.
2. jagex probably searched around and found the metals in the dictionary somehow.
oh and if they had the minor details that you were talking about it wouldn't be as popular game as it is now!

Seriously, Eulilia
PS sorry for any misunderstandings and spelling mistakes.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Micah said...

Oh ya take this great definition of mithril I looked up!
Main Entry: mithril
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a mythical precious metal, as strong as steel but lighter in weight
Etymology: in J.R.R. Tolkein's books

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told him not to say that mithrael was real but did he listen?? noooooo. Micah is right. mithrael is from tolken but addament is real. I was reading to corey the deffiniton but while corey typed it. on the other hand i think that in no way was runescape inspired by LOTR. there are so many spoofs runescape makes. (for example in the recent haloween event the guide used refrences to the "ghostbusters" theme song (who you gonna call?). wo there you have it. I am right and everyone else is wrong!

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys mithril is actually from a rock called "mithite" but I figured we should put it in our game as "mithril". We are not in anyway trying to take off on Tolkein's fine work. So to settle this dispute I have a solution:
Eulilia, mithril is not actually real but "mithite" is.
Ulvario, you were right in saying that mithril was made up by tolkein but you still did not understand that it was really from a rock called "mithite".
Great Clark, we do not make "spoofs" in our game and you should be well to know that.
Sincerely, Andrew and Paul Gower
P.S. Great story!

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude I looked up mithite and it is named after a herbert somebody and they named it herbertmithite. google it! it's real!
Seriously, Eulilia
P.S I doubt your really Paul Gower.

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you guys ever going to make a truce?!?!

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in the world did paul gower find this site?!?

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you find this blogsite, Paul?

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that could be true Micha but this site isent popular enough to be on google if anything it would be "Runehq"or"" or"Runescape cheats" even though there arent any(or at least anymore there isen't)Hi Paul and Andrew if you are the real people!

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm guys that was me. clark thought it would be funny if i said that. I did it because i felt very very noobish that i said mithril was real. i said that as a joke and to try and take eyes off myself. i did not mean to for you to take it seriously. im very sorry for false hopes and the such. I. .A.M. .A. .N.O.O.B.
please forgive me.
Seriously, Eulilia

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Micah said...

Thats fine eulilia, I have done that same sort of thing except I made my aunt think her blogger account was hacked... Lets not go into detail. Anyways lets just call it a truce and... SPELL MY NAME RIGHT!!! M-I-C-A-H!!! GOT THAT? ok so I had to get that out, Just joking everythings fine dont be alarmed...

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your heart of gold micha! oops sorry micah. i would dearly hvae loved to hear that story of you and your aunt but maybe we can save that for another time eh? anywyas thank you again M-I-C-A-H.
Seriously, Eulilia
PS what i did for the website as to which when you clicked on paul gower was "" i could have done better things but i decided to leave it where it was.


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